Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Vastu Remedy || Chhota Bheem for confidence

Bunty, my friend’s son, is 7 years old now. A year back my friend was extremely worried that his son is very timid. He does not talk to anyone in school and spends activity time alone. First he thought it is due to shyness that does not time. But when he observed carefully he realized that his son lacks confidence. Even when his friends or his wife’s friends talk to him he does not respond and runs away from the drawing room.

He was worried that his son will not be able to succeed with such low confidence. He wanted to know if Vastu can help his son to build his confidence.

I looked at this house from this perspective and suggested him few changes in the color scheme and placement of different activities like bedroom, pooja room, etc. I also suggested him to paste a large poster of Chhota Bheem in the zone of confidence (the angular division between South-East and South).

I asked him to inform me of any positive developments.

Few months later he had a very interesting incident to report; they were travelling to their parent’s place and in the son’s bag there was a plastic gun which children use to spray holi colors. Naturally the security guys at the airport spotted it and told them to leave it with them.

Their son suddenly started arguing.

“This is a toy gun,” he quipped, “I will play holi with my dadaji.”

“You can’t carry it with you, son.” The security man said.

“But it can cause no harm.” He said angrily.

Both my friend and his wife were surprised at the sudden change. Such are the effects of vastu programming.

Vastu Acharya Manoj is a Senior Mahavastu consultant and can be contacted at mshrivastava2005@gmail.com for Vastu advice.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Vastu Myth || Only houses facing North and East are auspicious

I was visiting a store selling Feng Shui and Vastu décor and while waiting for the invoice I overheard a part of the conversation between the store manager and his client over the phone.

The client was probably asking whether she can buy a floor which is facing South.

“South facing houses are not शुभ (auspicious). You should only buy North, North-East or East facing houses.” He said.

Then probably she asked, “Are there any remedies?”

“There are remedies but you should focus on your growth and prosperity rather than wasting your time in remedies.” He replied with conviction.

He once again re-iterated that South and West facing houses should not be bought and closed the call.
I felt so annoyed that one more client was unable to buy a property of her choice because of wrong advice resulting due to incomplete knowledge.

For my readers, facing of the house is not important when choosing the property, what is important is the location of different rooms, activities and position of the main door.

Vastu Acharya Manoj is a Senior Mahavastu consultant and he can be contacted at mshrivastava2005@gmail.com for vastu advice.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

The mind is an Antenna || How Vastu Acharyas manifest for you?

Technically, we know that antenna is a transducer designed to transmit and/or receive electromagnetic signals. Our sub-conscious mind is an antenna which communicates with the universe. Intuitive insights are achieved when the mind transmits the question and receives the answer from the universe.

Sub-conscious occupies about 90% of your mind while others say that it has unlimited capacity. Have you experienced that you were thinking about some problem while driving and suddenly you realize that you have reached the destination. Who took you to the destination? Similarly you are breathing even when you are in deep sleep. This is the faculty of the sub-conscious. Your cardio-vascular, digestive, respiratory, nervous, lymphatic, muscular systems are all governed by the sub-conscious mind and it works tirelessly throughout your life.

There are only two ways by which you can directly tap into your sub-conscious mind; by meditation and by dowsing.

Regular meditation done correctly over years develops in a person the capability to sense energies in the space which can be corrected to manifest for one self and clients.

A simpler method is dowsing. When a vastu expert dowse in search for an answer the sub-conscious still is the one getting the answers but it communicates the answer to Vastu Acharya through the muscular system by sending appropriate signals to the hands. The dowsing instrument which the Vastu Acharya is using is just amplifying the micro-signal received to a visible movement. That is the role of the instrument and nothing more the job appears to be done by it while it is just a servant of the sub-conscious reflecting what signals it receives.

Stay tuned to this blog for more on this topic by subscribing to the blog.

Vastu Acharya Manoj is a Senior Vastu consultant and can be contacted at mshrivastava2005@gmail.com

Monday, March 7, 2016

Vastu Myth || Main Door should be facing North East

It is well known that North and East are the two favored directions for those who follow Vastu and many of its followers look for a house which is North or East facing. So much so that South facing plots in a colony are sold at a discount. First of all, this itself is a myth. You can make a vastu compliant house even if it faces West or South. In fact, many of the successful people in this world have their houses facing South.

From the above another myth has evolved – that the main door of the house should be facing North-East – the diagonal direction between North and East. Either this is propagated because North East is considered to be direction of divine energies or a simple extrapolation that as North and East are both auspicious so North-East will be double auspicious as it contains both direction. Whatever, be the reason this is a totally false concept. Out of 32 possible positions of the main door only 8 are auspicious and these 8 are equitably distributed on four sides – North, South, East, and West.

Moreover, the entrances possible in the North East corner signify loss due to fire, lack of success and failure. Hence it is best to consult a qualified vastu expert to locate the main door position in the house irrespective of the direction of the house.

Vastu Acharya Manoj is a Senior MahaVastu Consultant and can be contacted on mshrivastava2005@gmail.com for vastu advice.