Monday, March 7, 2016

Vastu Myth || Main Door should be facing North East

It is well known that North and East are the two favored directions for those who follow Vastu and many of its followers look for a house which is North or East facing. So much so that South facing plots in a colony are sold at a discount. First of all, this itself is a myth. You can make a vastu compliant house even if it faces West or South. In fact, many of the successful people in this world have their houses facing South.

From the above another myth has evolved – that the main door of the house should be facing North-East – the diagonal direction between North and East. Either this is propagated because North East is considered to be direction of divine energies or a simple extrapolation that as North and East are both auspicious so North-East will be double auspicious as it contains both direction. Whatever, be the reason this is a totally false concept. Out of 32 possible positions of the main door only 8 are auspicious and these 8 are equitably distributed on four sides – North, South, East, and West.

Moreover, the entrances possible in the North East corner signify loss due to fire, lack of success and failure. Hence it is best to consult a qualified vastu expert to locate the main door position in the house irrespective of the direction of the house.

Vastu Acharya Manoj is a Senior MahaVastu Consultant and can be contacted on for vastu advice.


  1. आलेख अधूरा लगता है । योग्य वास्तु शास्त्री को रेफेर करने की अपेक्षा थोड़े शब्द और बढ़ाकर वास्तु सम्मत द्वार योजना भी बतानी चहिए थी ।

    1. Shankar ji- Thanks for your valuable comment. The Main door is the most important part of the house/office/factory.

      It is like the brain in the human body and brain should not be disturbed unless under proper supervision. Hence it was suggested to consult a qualified vastu consultant.

      Hope you agree

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