Monday, February 29, 2016

Vastu Case Study || Arjuna’s focus

I got a call from my friend in Australia. He sounded worried. His son who has completed his graduate program was now trying to bootstrap a venture. Only problem is that he is unable to decide on the business idea to pursue.

“He talks about setting up an apparel business and after working for few months he starts talking about immigration consultancy. In the last year he has shifted gears thrice. He just doesn’t have focus.” He said.

“Like all modern parents, I do not want to impose my thoughts on him. I just want him to focus on one thing and pursue it to its completion. I have already agreed with him to provide him the seed money and support him till he builds sufficient traction.” He continued.

I started wondering what can be done in vastu to increase focus. The first thing came to my mind was “अर्जुन की आँख.” All Indians grow up listening the story of Arjuna.

Once, during archery training, Arjuna’s teacher Drona pointed to bird on the branch of a tree and instructed him and his brothers to aim for its eye. ‘Describe what you see,’ asked the teacher. ‘A bird on the branch of the tree,’ said Yudhishtira, his eldest brother. ‘A bird on the branch of a mango tree,’ said Bhima, his elder brother. ‘A bird on the branch of a mango tree that stands in front of a banyan tree,’ said Duryodhana, his cousin, the eldest of the Kauravas. Arjuna only said, ‘I see only the eye of the bird, nothing else.’ Drona ordered his students to release their arrows. Only Arjuna’s struck the target!

Arjuna is the true epitome of focus and so can become a potent symbol to increase focus.

The next question was which mahavastu zone to activate using this symbol. I thought since one should venture into a business domain where one has core competence we should focus on the mahavastu zone of skills to increase focus on his core competence.

I asked him to put an image of Arjuna in South west and observe the change in behavior in his son. Sure enough he informed me later that his son has successfully started an app-based information security business.

Vastu Acharya Manoj is a senior MahaVastu consultant and can be contacted at


  1. Thank-you Manoj ji for sharing your precious knowledge.

    1. Shefali ji - If you think it can benefit others please share it on your facebook wall
