Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Is MahaVastu a Science?

Is MahaVastu a Science?

One question which often comes to mind regarding Vastu is - "Is Vastu a Science?"

Before answering this question with reference to Mahavastu let me first elaborate what classifies a concept or a field as science.

If you recall the times when you studied science in school or college, you will remember that there are 4 pre-requisites for a field to be classified as science: Hypothesis or Logic, Process, Repeatability and documented results.

Let us now elaborate how Mahavastu fulfills the requirements to be science:

Logic: As I wrote in my previous post, Mahavastu is the decoding of the ancient science of Vastu originally originated by Lord Vishwakarma, the architect of Heaven and great cities like Dwarka. By this decoding Dr. Khushdeep Bansal the creator of MahaVastu has removed all myths, superstitions, and distortions which contaminated Vastu and decoded the original sutras to apply them to the contemporary times. Mahavastu explains the logic of Vastushastra in a lucid manner. The decoding is a hypothesis which is based on sound logic.

Process: Scientific experiments have to follow a process and cannot be performed in an ad hoc manner. In Mahavastu, the Mahavastu Experts follow a fixed four step process to perform the analysis and apply remedies.

Repeatability: This is the most important aspect of Science. Many a scientists have failed to get due recognition for their work because they could not successfully repeat their experiments. By repeatability I mean that everytime a same input is applied to a certain condition you will get the same output. For example, everytime when you throw a ball up when standing on the ground and within the earth's environment, the result is that the ball comes down. We all know this is due to gravity. If you change the condition which means that if you are not inside the earth's environment and are standing outside it (it will be impossible to stand there but still let us suppose) and if you throw the ball up, it will not come down. So for the same condition you get the same output for a particular input.

In Mahavastu for a certain situation (a particular set of observations in a livable space), if you apply a particular Vastu Remedy or correction it will always result in the same result whether irrespective of whose house it is.This can be verified only by documenting these experiments (consultations).

Documented Results: These repeated experiments with their inputs, outputs and conditions have to be documented each time it is performed in order to prove this science. Dr. Khushdeep Bansal and his team of more than 200 Mahavastu experts have documented about 10,000 case studies to prove that the decoding is correct and it works each time (repeatability).

The proof of the pudding is in eating it. There are only two ways to experience the sanctity of my above arguments: become a Mahavastu Expert yourself or consult a MahaVastu Expert.

Manoj Shrivastava is a Certified MahaVastu Expert and can be contacted at mshrivastava2005@gmail.com to benefit from MahaVastu and help it fulfill your life goals.



  1. Hello Manoj jee
    Great job on this blog...I have a query,hope you can scientifcally resolve it.
    What does one with toilet in NE or north,if WC is wall mounted. How does the sace surgery work in such situations? Where do we place the copper wire( or do you recomend some other metal) or the colour strip?
    Thanks and do continue blogging

  2. Dear Diwan ji.

    Have you done the Mahavastu course?



  3. Hello Manoj Ji,

    My kitchen is west facing and I can't change my kitchen location also. us there any solution without shifting.i will be very grateful to u if solve my problem

  4. Hello Manoj Ji,

    My kitchen is west facing and I can't change my kitchen location also. us there any solution without shifting.i will be very grateful to u if solve my problem

  5. Anjali ji

    Kitchen in West is not something to be worried about. What are your problems in life is what you should be worried about.

    Please let me know what are the problems and I will reply if it is due to kitchen in West.

  6. hello manoj g
    facing many problems..... but major problem is clients... my one best client got angry because there was some delay in my work.... she was giving me 90 percent business...

    1. Meenu ji

      Please write a one-to-one mail to me on mshrivastava2005@gmail.com
