Friday, January 27, 2017

Plant trees in your house as per Vastu

Several people ask me what trees can be planted in the courtyard of home. I researched to know what does the scriptures say.

Matasya Puran in Chapter 255  answers this question as follows:

One should plant Bargad (Banyan) tree in East, gular tree/atti tree (cluster fig) in South, Peepal in West and Pakad tree in North.

In case these trees are planted in wrong directions and it is not possible to cut them you should plant one or more of the following trees to gain overall prosperity and harmony

Ashoka tree (this is not Polyalthia longifolia which the nursery will try to sell you as Ashoka, ask them for original ashoka tree), Moulsari/Bakul, Pomegranade, kewda, chameli, coconut tree, banana tree, chameli tree and Champa (Plumeria).

Planting these trees will bring in overall prosperity and balance in your life.

In case the trees are planted wrongly for example if bargad is in North in place of East, plant one or more of the following trees along with bargad to bring in overall success.

1. Ashoka
2. Moulashri/Bakul
3. Pomegranade
4. Kewda
5. Banana /Kela
6. Chameli
7. Champa

A note on Ashoka tree and False Ashoka tree - . Ashoka trees are small in height, while false ashoka is taller.

Ashoka flowers are red (initially orange in color) while False Ashoka flowers are apple green in color. Ashoka fruits look like broad beans containing multiple seeds while false ashoka fruits are small, spherical and contain only one seed

VastuAcharya Manoj is a Senior Mahavastu Consultant and can be contacted at for Vastu advice.


  1. I think it is a symbolic article. Plz also describe what to do when a wrong sided tree is already have like a people tree in East or in NE

    1. Shankar ji. Thanks for pointing it out looks like a paragraph got deleted inadvertently. Will correct it and resend the mails to all subscribers

    2. Shankar ji - It was complete even earlier but now I have made it clearer. Hope it is clear now.

  2. Replies
    1. Vijay ji - Have made some changes to make it clearer. Hope it helps

  3. Thanks for sharing this such a great article on Vastu. These are really very good Vastu Tips which are helpful for us.

  4. As we also know that plant play of vital role for the Vastu. If we plant more tree and small plant in our home, office, industry and etc. they will help to create positive energy around the atmosphere.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. what is the effect of lantel beam in brahmasthal? what is the adverse effect?

  7. is lantel beam in bramhsthal allowed in mahavastu ?

  8. Sir few months back I had a small gular plant in pot. I had some positive growth, but later it dry. Can bring it again and keep it in the compound
