Thursday, June 20, 2013

How MahaVastu Experts suggest Vastu Corrections?

Many people are curious to know how do MahaVastu experts suggest corrections to Vastu defects and how is it possible to correct Vastu defects without performing any demolition to the house.

In this article, I have am answering this question in a simple manner.

As per MahaVastu, every direction is associated with one of the five element i.e. Water, Air (Wood), Fire, Earth and Space (Metal). So is each color, object, equipment and activity. For example, North is associated with Water, Green is associated with Air, Kitchen burner is associated with Fire,  a refrigerator is associated with Earth, and sleep is associated with Earth.

These five elements have several relationships between themselves. MahaVastu recognizes this as three cycles;

(1)    The Creation and Exhaustive Cycle: Water creates Air, Air creates Fire, Fire creates Earth, earth creates space and space creates water.

(2)     The Destruction Cycle: Water destroys Fire, Fire Destroys Space, Space destroys Air, Air destroys earth and earth destroys water

(3)    The Disturbing Cycle: For example, Air disturbs Space

In simple words, Vastu defects and problems associated with it occur when an object or activity of an element is present in the zone associated with a disturbing or destroying element thereby causing imbalance in the zone they are present.

MahaVastu experts use the creation and exhaustive cycles to negate the effect of this imbalance. For example, Mahavastu expert may suggest to put a particular color stone slab below the kitchen burner to negate the presence of Fire element in the zone of water.

This is called elemental balance method and is one of the main techniques used in MahaVastu.

Manoj Shrivastava is a MahaVastu Expert and can be contacted at for all your queries and problems.





  1. hi monoj can u suggest the remedy as we have got furnace whivh represent fire in north corner of our house

    1. House does not have furnaces only factories have furnace. What exactly is there in north?

  2. How can you call fridge earth? Fridge is used to purify or preserve food and medicine. Shouldn't it be air?
