Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Vastu and Feng Shui || A Brief Comparison

I have been a practitioner of FengShui and Vastu for the last sixteen years and have always believed that Feng Shui is the Chinese form of Vastu. I read somewhere that in ancient times the Chinese scholars who studies in Nalanda and Takshshila University took the knowledge of Vastu from India and adapted it as per Chinese traditions and culture.

However, the similarity ends there. While Feng Shui has been commercialized to the extent that it has spread far and wide Vastu has remained confined to India and has not moved along with the times. Feng Shui  now provided employment to millions of people across the world in the form of teachers, consultants, artisans, manufacturers, et al. This has primarily happened because the masters of feng shui worked on its simplification and accessibility. They also worked on making it contemporary.

On the other hand, vastu, like many other body of Indian knowledge was kept a secret and not allowed to grow due to inflexibility of those who were supposed to evolve the knowledge and make it accessible to common men.

Most Vastu experts still believe in certain rigid rules which they picked up from ancient texts or incomplete translations of the texts and keep on applying them even when they are made irrelevant due to the change in architecture of Indian buildings. The need was to reinterpret these rules as per the change in architecture. Furthermore, little efforts were made to spread the knowledge beyond India or make remedies which can be used to correct vastu defects. You would be surprised to know that a gentleman in Germany has patented Vastu while we were caught napping.

Fortunately in recent times few Indian experts have taken upon the mettle to reinterpret this 
knowledge, perform scientific study, spread this knowledge and make it accessible to the masses. One of them is my guru – Dr. Khushdeep Bansal who has instilled the confidence and knowledge to many of us such that Vastu becomes accessible and affordable.

It is on his motivation that I write these articles.
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VastuAcharya Manoj is a senior Mahavastu Consultant and can be contacted at mshrivastava2005@gmail.com for vastu advice. Please do not forget to mention the city of your residence in your email.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Is Meditation same as Hypnotism?

When I wrote the article “Can Vastu Change destiny Part 2” I mentioned meditation is as a method to change destiny. Many of my friends asked me, “Isn’t it the same as hypnotism?” I said “No”. Here is a transcript of a communication which happened with few of my friends in office.

“This looks like hypnotism to me.” Said one of my team mates.

“No they are different. In hypnotism you are under the influence of another person’s thoughts. He feeds his thoughts in your mind.” I explained. “What you call in Hindi “प्रभाव” or if we break this पर+भाव which means foreign influence.”

“I am talking about self-hypnotism where we are hypnotizing self and not are under another person’s influence.” He was adamant.

“Yes if you are not doing a guided hypnotism then it is like meditation but still the process remains different.” I explained.

“What is the difference?” He wanted to know.

“ In hypnotism you confuse the conscious mind such that it switches off. When it does, it gives direct access to the sub-conscious and you feed it with positive affirmations. Most people do this feeding by listening to their own recording of positive affirmations.  In meditation you lower the brain frequencies by relaxation, activate the neurons such that it enables you to generate powering thoughts.”

“Even if the process is different the result is the same.” My friends were still not convinced.

“There is a fundamental difference. In hypnotism you affirm what you think is right for you, in meditation you discover what is right for you. Are the two methods not different?” I asked.

Now there were no further questions.

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VastuAcharya Manoj is a Senior Mahavastu Consultant and can be contacted at mshrivastava2005@gmail.com for vastu advice. Please do not forget to mention the city of your residence in your email.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Can Vastu be corrected without breaking a single wall?

Whenever one hears of Vastu the question which arises in mind is whether Vastu defects can be corrected without breaking a single brick? The reason is that most vastu consultants they know advice a lot of demolition to make the house compliant with vastu.

Many of vastu consultants today have started suggesting Yantras and Pyramids for vastu corrections – it is their solution to negate the vastu defects. Unfortunately they do not work most of the times. The reason is the imbalance in space which still remains even after the installation of these yantras and pyramids. In face pyramids if wrongly placed can increase the imbalance.

In MahaVastu we suggest vastu rectification using the following methods:
  1. Colors: Suggestions to change the colors of the walls are made to achieve elemental balance in the space.
  2. Re-location of activities: We make suggestions to change activities as per the available options, for example, we may suggest that the rooms of son and parents may be swapped, or the guest room be converted to master room or refrigerator may be shifted to a particular place in the house.
  3. Elemental correction: We may suggest that a particular colored stone slab be placed below the stove.
  4. Space cutting: We may suggest placing a colored strip around the toilet seat if it is creating a vastu defect.
  5. Closing an activity: In rare situations we suggest to stop using a toilet if it is at the wrong place.

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VastuAcharya Manoj is a senior Mahavastu Consultant and can be contacted at mshrivastava2005@gmail.com for vastu advice. Please do not forget to mention the city of your residence in your email.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Can destiny be changed by Vastu? || Part 2

In my last post, I shared the beginning of a conversation with my friend on the topic of destiny and whether it can be changed. What follows is the continuation of that conversation.

“The best method to change destiny is meditation. Meditation bring discipline, determination and focus in our life. It changes our neuron pathways permanently such that we go on the right path. For example, in your case you can successfully start saving by inculcating these three virtues – discipline, determination and focus and to develop these you can develop the practice of meditation.”

“But this is a long process.”

“Yes it is and it requires daily meditation for 15-20 minutes. Alternatively you can use other techniques which are Vastu and astrology and still achieve the same results.” I explained.

“You mean placing some remedies in my house or wearing some gems can bring about these changes in me.” He asked.

“Yes these remedies work on re-programming the sub-conscious mind to give you the same effect – determination, discipline and focus. Over here, the space in which you work and reside are designed to achieve the same effect on your mind.”

“In my personal experience, the programming of the space, what people call vastu corrections aligns your mind to nature. Once the mind is aligned and calm it develops the qualities required for success and is able to attract and manifest desires.”

“I generally suggest to follow both the paths to accelerate results – meditation and vastu both can be implemented together for this.”

“I would love to have some money in my bank balance.” He brightened up.

“And I would love to see you share the good news to me.” I said placing a hand on his shoulders.

My dear readers I will soon be posting another post where Vastu corrections have changed destiny. Stay tuned.


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Vastu Acharya Manoj is a Senior MahaVastu Consultant and can be contacted at mshrivastava2005@gmail.com for Vastu advice. Please mention the name of the city where you reside in the email.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Can destiny be changed by Vastu? || Part 1

We,  my friend and I were travelling in a coach from Khandala to Mumbai one day and we started getting talking. He knows I work on Vastu and Astrology and he was narrating his own experiences with astrology. Suddenly he raises his hand and shows a vertical line on the mount of Jupiter and says, “One astrologer has told me that since this line has crossed the third phalange of the middle finger I will never be able to accumulate wealth.”

“That’s all non-sense.” I immediately reacted.

“But it is true. I have never been able to save money.”

“All this can be changed, my dear and I can help you change it.”


“See destiny is like the default programming of the mobile phone. This is what my guru always tell. When you first turn it on it is completely functional and many people do not change any default setting of their phones.  Some people however do not like the ring tone, message tone, whats app notification and change them. That is what we call configuration.”

“Yes I understand.”

“Similarly we are born with a default programming what is called destiny and just like a mobile phone we can customize it by simple techniques. Let me share them with you.”

(to be continued…)


You will be the first one to know when a new article is posted.


Vastu Acharya Manoj is a Senior MahaVastu Consultant and can be contacted at mshrivastava2005@gmail.com for Vastu advice. Please mention the name of the city where you reside in the email.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Vastu Case Study || When Vastu Fails

About two years back, I consulted a family in North Delhi. They were staying in a floor in one of the unauthorized colonies. After doing the study I suggested few remedies and also categorized them into most important, medium importance and low importance just so that they understand the suggestions and do it as per their convenience.

One of the topmost recommendation was to change the color of their drawing room from green to off-white. Soon they implemented all suggestions. After few months I asked them about the progress of their business and the reply was that there has been no improvement even after doing all that was suggested. I revisited their house and indeed they had done everything except the colors of the wall. 

The problem was that they had decorated the walls with green stone chips and changing its color would involve removing these stones and re-plastering the walls. They were delaying it as it involved a sizeable expense. I told them that without this there would be little improvement.

Three months later I got a call from his father. He was very disappointed that nothing has happened. I again visited their house and find that they have indeed removed the color and now there is a kitchen garden just outside the drawing room.

Though I had explained that green color in this zone is the root cause of the problem, their son was not able to relate green with the plants in the kitchen garden.

Not only it caused three visits to their house for me, it also delayed the benefits they could gain from Vastu.


VastuAcharya Manoj is a Senior Mahavastu Consultant and can be contacted for Vastu advice at mshrivastava2005@gmail.com - Please do not forget to mention your city of residence/work when writing mail.