Indian saints from centuries knew the power of the
sub-conscious mind and ways to tap into this power. They also knew that the
biggest challenge in reaching the sub-conscious is the conscious mind.
Sage Patanjali in his epic book – Patanjali Yog Sutras has
recommended meditation or mindfulness as the first step to reach your
sub-conscious. When you meditate simply by focusing on the gap between the two
breaths gradually you reach a meditative state. Modern science has deduced that
in this state your brain frequency is 7-8 cycles/second which is also called
the alpha state. When you are in alpha state of mind your conscious mind is
almost asleep and now you can communicate with the sub-conscious.
The other method is to confuse the sub-conscious mind or
fool it in a way that it no longer stops your access to the sub-conscious.
While this method too was known to the sages in India and abroad, it has been
researched by modern hypnotherapists and psychiatrists. The California
Institute of Hypnosis has developed a method wherein they use a script to
confuse the conscious mind forcing it to give up. Once that happens the subject
is in a hypnotic trance and now the hypnotist can feed positive affirmations to
his sub-conscious thereby changing its programming.
The reason why I say that ancient Indian saints knew about
this “confusion of the mind” technique is a story about Rishi Valmiki. Rishi
Valmiki was a dacoit in his earlier life before Sage Narada advised him to
chant “Mara..Mara...” repeatedly to attain enlightenment. Sage Narada realized
that with his dacoit mindset he is finding it difficult to chant “Rama…Rama…” hence he was asked to chant the opposite.
Rihsi Valmiki chanted as advised with full trust and
eventually got the enlightenment. Though his conscious mind understood the
chant as “Mara..Mara..” his sub-conscious understood it as “Rama…Rama…” The Rishi subsequently had the good fortune
to take care of Ma Sita and train Lord Ram’s sons when they were young.
This is an ideal example on how the conscious can be fooled
to reach the sub-conscious
VastuAcharya Manoj is a Senior Vastu Consultant and can be
reached on
for a professional Vastu Advice.